Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Hiperacusia: considerações teóricas
Gonçalves, Maiara Santos
The daily sound discomfort is called hyperacusis. This alteration is defined as an
abnormal reaction of the auditory pathway in relation to the outside sounds,
generally the ones that have moderate or weak intensity, but not excluding the
strong intensity. This alteration is present, in most cases, in individuals that show
tinnitus complaints, leading to studies about hypothesis of common
physiopatologic mechanisms. This phenomenon is present in people that have
normal or abnormal hearing. The reactions presented when there is hyperacusis
are discomfort, fear, suffering and stress. Nowadays the studies show that the
discomfort degree produced by the sounds is regulated by the limbic system and
that the physics reactions are produced by the autonomic nervous system. The
efferent auditory pathway through the medial olivocochlear tract can also produce
hyperacusis because its functions control the auditory earning and the
behavioural reaction to the sound. We observed there are questions that are not
clearly answered about this subject yet and there are contrary opinions among
the authors. Some relates found in the bibliography are about hypothesis, what
shows that our study is important as well as new ones. Moreover, the speech
patology and audiology work with hyperacusis intend to establish prevention
methods and assistance to this.