Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Mapgeocity: uma proposta de sistema para auxiliar na gestão pública municipal
Ruggini, Neimir
Currently, due to the increasing development of geographic information systems, one notes a growing need for this technology to be part of everyday people, helping and contributing precision and decision-making, adding more value to the information. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe a proposal to implement an extension of the solution Geoliberty, focusing on the management of spatial data, in order to contribute to the process of decision making the information generated . For this research we adopted only open-source technologies , including the preparation of this material, valuing and contributing to the community Brazilian free software. The project scope has been determined from the necessity of application of GIS technologies in municipal public administration. Thus, this study aims to create a framework GIS, from the basic structure of spatial data defined GeoLiberty, to assist in the management of information cadastre of the city of Frederick. From the application of georeferencing techniques, it becomes possible to define their spatial distribution on the maps, overlapping layers of topographic bases.