Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Mercados institucionais para agricultura familiar: estudo sobre o funcionamento do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar em Cachoeira do Sul - RS
Nunes, Marcela Trojahn
The National School Feeding Program - PNAE establishes one of the institutional market strategies of the Brazilian federal government, which is the transfer of financial resources for school feeding in public and philanthropic schools. But with the requirement that at least 30% of the value is to purchase products from family farmers, agrarian reform settlers, indigenous and maroon. Thus, this work aims to understand the PNAE with respect to family farming Cachoeira do Sul - RS, analyzing the real difficulties encountered, thus seeking to improve program performance, in order to benefit farmers. The survey was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire with the public servant responsible for School Food Sector, the Municipal Department of Education, corresponding to the municipality of Cachoeira do Sul in order to analyze the progress of the program covering the municipal schools and charities linked to City Hall. As a result, it was found that the main difficulties lie in the bureaucratic aspect in the purchase of foodstuffs, and in the absence of associations and farmers cooperatives in the city, so much of the resources end up benefiting farmers in other cities, another difficulty observed It refers to the lack of diversification of production and also by the lack of organic products.