Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Desempenho motor no nado crawl através de retroalimentações verbais e demonstrativas
Fagundes, Adriana Letícia Rodrigues
The verbal instructions and the demonstration are more frequently the means used in the
transmission of information the about of the goal to be reached. In the present study it was
looked for to verify the existence of the difference of the acting motor in I swim him crawl,
through the use of the progressive partial method with two different feedback focuses, the
verbal tracks and the demonstration. They were part of this study thirteen students apprentices
of swimming of the School of Swimming of the Sport Association of Santa Maria's Federal
University, with ages between nine and fourteen years and of both sexes. Two experimental
groups were submitted to two different learning conditions. The first group received
demonstrative feedback and the second group, verbal tracks. The results showed that there
was learning in the two groups, but through the Teste T of Student to verify happened
significant difference, it was observed that there was not superiority among the groups, that is
to say, it didn't happen significant difference among them where t=0,627, with significância
level p <0,05. So much the group that received the demonstrative feedback all that received
the verbal tracks obtained learning of the I swim, improving its actings.