As representações sociais dos professores acerca da inclusão de alunos com distúrbios globais do desenvolvimento
2005-04-08Registro en:
ALVES, Marcia Doralina. THE TEACHERS SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS CONCERNING INCLUSION OF STUDENTS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL GLOBAL DISORDERS. 2005. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2005.
Alves, Marcia Doralina
This dissertation aims to investigate the teachers Social Representations of public schools from Santa Maria concerning the inclusion of students with developmental global disorders (psychosis and autism), trying to reflect about the pedagogic practices developed in schools as well as the effects of those representations over the inclusion process of these students. In this sense, one carried out a theoretical research around two axes: the Social Representations, its history and sources; and the education of students with developmental global disorders. One started from a research carried out in the Therapeutic School Lugar de Vida, Institute of Psychology of São Paulo University. To illuminate this discussion, one proposes a reflection about the social place occupied by school, as a space that supports and promotes students inclusion. As a result of specificity of their subjective positions, they need an attentive look both from the teacher and school as a whole. Besides, one approaches the Therapeutic Education understood as an interdisciplinary treatment practice that through its presupposed can contribute to a dialogue between psychoanalysis and education. As methodological support, semi-structured interviews were carried out with teachers that had psychotic and autistic students included in their groups. The interviews revealed the non-knowledge of teachers concerning situations of psychosis and autism as well as the unpreparation to work with the inclusion of students, that are believed not to learn.