dc.contributorFertig, André Atila
dc.creatorNicoloso, Fabrício Rigo
dc.description.abstractThis work has for objective understand the relations among local power and center power, involving the republicans leaders from Santa Maria and the government of Partido Republicano Rio-Grandense, who was led by Júlio de Castilhos, in the first years of Republic (1889-1900), remaking conflicts that ocurred inside the local Party (PRR). As a theoretical reference was worn the ideas from New Political History, that include concepts like political culture, power relations, political mentalities, and others. The documentary sources found in research are basically constituted by republicans newspaper "A Federação" and "O Combatente", situated respectively in Arquivo Histórico de Santa Maria (AHSM) and in the Casa de Memórias Edmundo Cardoso (SM), and the letters sent by political republicans leaders of Santa Maria to Júlio de Castilhos, belonging from Fundo Acervo Júlio de Castilhos in Arquivo Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul (AHRS). Through of content analysis (AC) to newspapers and letters, dividing the texts into thematic categories, was possible reconstruct conflicts that have put in struggle the rival groups inside the local PRR from the first moments of Republic, in which the republicans leaders vied for the attention of Julio de Castilhos to solve his problems, in an power relation marked by clientelism and exchange of favors.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectSanta Maria
dc.subjectPRR (Partido Republicano Rio-Grandense)
dc.subjectCoronéis republicanos
dc.subjectRepublican leaders
dc.titleClientelismo, coronelismo e relações de poder na primeira república (1889-1900): Santa Maria como palco de disputas políticas e jogos de interesses entre os chefes republicanos
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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