Cálculo de volume de monumentos a partir de integrais definidas para alunos do ensino médio com apoio do software geogebra
Numer, Francine Mirele
Spatial Geometry is a currently applied content on the high school curriculum in most
high schools in Brazil. Proposing a different way to calculate volumes from Definite
Integrals is giving students one more tool to solve the questions. Didactics of
Problem Solving and Mathematical Modeling are excellent ways to stimulate students
to learn, think and develop critical sense, as well as to apply their Definite Integral
knowledge when calculating volumes, being able to turn the common learning much
more meaningful. Allied to GeoGebra, a Dynamic Geometry software that enables
geometric, algebraic and graphic visualization of functions, Problem Solving and
Mathematical Modeling can effectively foster students learning. In this present work,
activities performed with the students involving calculus of monument’s volumes
using definite integrals are presented.