Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Atendendo as necessidades educacionais dos alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação na sala de recursos multifuncionais
Diniz, Laura Ediane Paz
The article emphasizes the importance of the multifunctional rooms in the
current educational system. An inclusive school provides an education concerned with all.
Independent if the pupil presents or not special education needs. It is important that all the
pupils have conditions of knowing, learning and living in an environment without prejudice
which stimulates their creativity and which respect their rhythm of learning. The pupil with
High abilities/Superendowment is regularly registered in a common school. But he does not
receive the adequate attendance to his educational necessities, what causes, most of the time,
lack of motivation and abandonment of the activities at school. Therefore, the attendance of
the pupil with high abilities/superendowment in the room of multifunctional resources has the
function of supplementing the school curriculum, in other words, the room of multifunctional
resources must be a place where this pupil can better develop his knowledge and abilities
accordin to the interests. Using the bibliographical research as methodology for the
investigation, two important points are detached as conclusion of this study: first, for acting
in this room, the teacher must be enabled in the area to carry out the attendance. The teacher
who works in the room of multifunctional resources, beyond to help the pupil with high
abilities/superendowment, he must help the school servants in which this pupil studies, in
order the process of the school inclusion can occur. Second, the pupils with high abilities need
adequate attendances that can promote academic, psychomotor and social development,
which includes education methods suitable to their special necessities.