Efluxo de metano em solo sob manejos de irrigação e cultivares de arroz irrrigado
2011-12-19Registro en:
MOTERLE, Diovane Freire. Cultivars and soil irrigation management into methane efflux of irrigated rive fields. 2011. 148 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2011.
Moterle, Diovane Freire
Human activity has been pointed out as the main reason of global warming by
effluxes of CO2, N2O and CH4. In the last years, harmful effects of greenhouse gases
due to its increase in atmosphere have been arousing interests of scientists into
propose mechanisms of mitigation. Flooding rice is responsible for about 12% of
CH4 released to atmosphere and therefore, is considerate one of the most important
source of this greenhouse gas. There are many factors that control CH4 efflux in
irrigated rice fields, which difficult an accurate identification of the responsible
mechanisms. However, is known that irrigation regime and selection of rice cultivars
affect CH4 efflux and may be managed intending to mitigate it. The objectives of this
thesis were: (a) verify the effect of continuous irrigation, intermittent irrigation and
intermittent flooding into CH4 efflux of a hapludalf soil cultivated with flooding rice at
central region of Rio Grande do Sul State; (b) evaluate CH4 efflux of rice cultivated in
greenhouse under different irrigation managements and relate the efflux to
agronomic parameters of rice plants; (c) evaluate the irrigation systems over the rice
crop and how it affect the electrochemical of soil solution and plant development; (d)
evaluate CH4 efflux through cultivars of rice from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa
Catarina States and relate it to plant morphological attributes. Intermittent irrigation
was efficient to mitigate CH4 efflux in rice cultivations, when the lack of rain did not
establish water layers, without having decrease in rice productivity. intermittent
flooding management by irrigations, even at saturated soil, decreased the CH4 efflux
by 70%. The management of intermittent flooding by irrigations when soil was bellow
the field capacity do not cause CH4 efflux, however, this management caused
decrease of rice productivity. Irrigation management does affect electrochemical
conditions of soil, which are determinant to the CH4 production in soils. The dynamic
of efflux of CH4 is similar between cultivars; however, there are differences on
potential of CH4 efflux from cultivars of flooding rice. The cultivars Arize 1003, Avaxi
Cl, BRS Atalanta, BRS Querência, BRS Taim, Inov Cl, Irga 422 and Irga 424 have
showed lower efflux and higher productivities. Morphological characteristics of plants
have not explained completely the differences of CH4 effluxes between cultivars.