Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Desenvolvimento do planejamento da necessidade de materiais para uma empresa fornecedora de insumos para máquinas de bebidas preparadas
Alessio Junior, Celso Sarzi
Nowadays, with the extreme hard competitiveness between companies, all organizations search for a stage on which the demand for their products grow in a accentuated way, but the increase of consume makes difficulties to refurnish their stocks and answer the necessity of the clients. Based on a situation like that, the methodology of material requirement planning (MRP) aims to instrumentalize companies to help in their management decision about the stock and demand. The general objective of this work is applying the methodology of MRP in a supplier company of inputs for prepared drinks machines, elaborating a more structured approach over shopping decisions of inputs that guarantee the attendance of necessities of clients, without accumulating a large value of capital in stocks of inputs, considering the various harming factors of supply chain. For the general objective concretization, this research establishes parameters as ABC Classification, confidence level definition of the suppliers, safety stock, and finally the comparison between the results of the method and the historical results of the company, showing a significant reduction in the immobilized capital.