Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Fluência tecnológica e produção escolar mediada por recursos tecnológicos em educação profissional
Pigatto, Giane Magrini
The inclusion of the tools that mediate and empower the collaboration-communication process into school daily practice allows participation in the instances of generation and appliance of the knowledge which permeates the whole training to reach a significant fluency degree in TICs. This work approached the inclusion of educational technology resources in class planning mediated by publication in the Moodle’s wiki in the context of the technical course in agriculture of the Polytechnic School of UFSM during the second semester of 2010 and under the Supervised Stage III of the Training Process of Professional and Technological Education teachers of UFSM, as well as the results obtained from an assessment survey on the mediation of these educational resources regarding the student learning. The conceptual basis supporting the teaching activities systematization guided by the use of technologically mediated educational resources is rooted in the dialogical-problematizing education. The achieved results showed that the technological mediated education may contribute in the training of professionals with greater fluency in TICs and reinforce the development of more dialogical-problematizing school practices.