dc.contributorRabenschlag, Denis Rasquin
dc.contributorMüller, Felipe Martins
dc.contributorEvangelista, Mário Luiz Santos
dc.creatorRoratto, Rodrigo
dc.identifierRORATTO, Rodrigo. UM MODELO PARA A ANÁLISE DA VIABILIDADE DE PROJETOS DE TERCEIRIZAÇÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS DA INFORMAÇÃO NO SETOR PÚBLICO: UM ESTUDO DE CASO. 2012. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
dc.description.abstractCurrently, asset management has been a big concern of business science. However, few studies focused on asset valuation of the business of information technology (IT) in government offices, especially with regard to its replacement by outsourcing process. Therefore, this study aims at developing a mathematical model for analyzing the economic feasibility of projects outsourcing of information technology in a public organization (in this case, the UFSM), with a focus on service printing. Thus, from a case study of a descriptive-quantitative, with interviews with managers of the organization and outsourcing companies, it was possible to apply the model with three printing equipment belonging to the institution, chosen because of high performance and productivity, which is identified in each case the best time of substitution (useful lives) and the proposal most advantageous exchange, the economic point of view. Moreover, the sector in which the print job has been outsourced was possible to compare the costs of the company that currently provides this service with other outsourcing options researched the market, so finding the most viable organization.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherEngenharia de Produção
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTerceirização de TI
dc.subjectSetor público
dc.subjectViabilidade econômica de projetos
dc.subjectOutsourcing TI
dc.subjectPublic management
dc.subjectEconomic viability projects
dc.titleUm modelo para a análise da viabilidade de projetos de terceirização de tecnologias da informação no setor público: um estudo de caso

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