Estratégias de gerenciamento pelo lado da demanda aplicadas aos consumidores de BT considerando a tarifa branca e a geração distribuída
2016-06-10Registro en:
CUNHA, Murilo Vargas da. Strategies of demand-side management applied to lv consumers with white hourly rate and distributed generation. 2016. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2016.
Cunha, Murilo Vargas da
This Master s Dissertation presents a study on the technical and financial
impact of the application of strategies for Demand-Side Management (DSM) in
residential consumers BT (Group B), considering the white tariff and the inclusion of
distributed generation (DG). The white tariff to be an hourly tariff enables the
application of DSM strategies in the residential consumer. As DSM strategies were
used load shifting and peak reduction, aimed at handling consumption at peak hours.
Furthermore, DG was also considered as a DSM strategy. In this sense, the
proposed methodology considers typical load curves ranged by consumption levels,
DSM strategies, tariffs, natural resources, photovoltaic technology to GD and solar
collector. As a simulation tool was used the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric
Renewables software (HOMER), which aims to analyze technical and economic
implementation of DSM strategies, exploring the white tariff and the use of GD. The
results showed that the combination strategies peak reduction and load shifting
enable the use of the white tariff. The results showed that the combination of the load
shifting and peak reduction strategies and enable the use of the white tariff. Already
the use of DG due to maintenance and operating costs, required a sensitivity
analysis observing at cost reduction.