Otimização do armazenamento e geração de energia a biogás visando ao gerenciamento das redes de distribuição
Brignol, Wagner da Silva
The increasing use of renewable sources of distributed generation (DG) and also the perspective
of the use of energy storage systems (ESS) in distribution systems, makes it imperative that
distributors adopt measures to help them manage and operate their distribution networks,
obtaining a strategic use of these sources, in order to minimize the possible negative impacts
resulting from these connections, and guarantee the quality of energy supply to its consumers.
In this context, biogas DG meets this evolution, since this type of DG has an integrated biogas
energy storage system, called in this thesis (bio Energy Storage System - bioESS), which allows
the DG converts the biogas into electrical energy at appropriate times. Thus, this Thesis aims
to present the development of a methodology of optimization applied in biogas energy storage
systems with the objective of determining multi-level operational regimes distributed
generation. In order to do so, we used the integer linear programming (ILP) to propose an
objective function (OF) to optimize the use of the stored biogas, using as parameters from the
biogas production curve and the load curve of the biogas producing property. The OF
restrictions were determined according to the bioESS management operational characteristics,
such as: minimum, maximum and initial biogas stock. The operational regime to be achieved
by applying the method is based on two proposed models, in which DG prioritizes the use of
biogas for total or partial service of the biogas producing property loads and the remaining
energy potential is stored for strategic use. As a result of the optimization, a multi-level
operational regime for DG is obtained, in which power and the options of periods are indicated
in which the energy distributor can be guaranteed to use the energy stored in the bioESS,
allowing a strategic management of the dispatch and storage of the energy that can be produced
from biogas. This methodology is verified by means of a case study where the data of a rural
swine production participant in ANEEL P&D P14 / 2012 are used.