dc.contributorPereira, Sueli Menezes
dc.creatorDorneles, Vanessa
dc.description.abstractThe present study investigates the management of an administrative-pedagogic work in a school with several grades in the municipality Passo do Sobrado/RS, through the work of a manager teacher from the related school, faced by the obligation of the fundamental education of nine years according the Law 11.274/2006. The investigation developed from a qualitative study using observations from an interview with the manager teacher on how to proceed for a date collection. The present study makes a comment about the Brazilian education legislation related to the enlargement of fundamental education, as well, investigating the administrative-pedagogic work of the manager teacher of the school mentioned, with a special highlight for the work developed together in the first year grade. It may estimate that the enlargement of fundamental school caused the challenges to the work realized by the manager teacher, subjects of this research, considering she is the main person in charge for the necessary changes, especially with the first year grade in a context that needs to administer the limited time and space to attend four classes with distinct levels of initial grades of fundamental school in the same classroom and in the same period. We conclude that the manager teacher of the related school has knowledge of the necessary changes in her pedagogic activities for good development and learning of the students. However, she hasn’t managed to correspond to the specific necessities of the children, mainly the six-year olds of the first year, such as advised by the legislation. We may not refuse this manager teacher search to overcome the limits of her administrative-pedagogic work every day.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEnsino fundamental
dc.subjectEscola multisseriada
dc.subjectCrianças de seis anos
dc.subjectTrabalho administrativo-pedagógico
dc.titleEnsino fundamental de 9 anos: a gestão do trabalho administrativo-pedagógico da professora de uma escola multisseriada
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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