dc.contributorSchmidt, Alberto Souza
dc.contributorGomes, Clandia Maffini
dc.contributorGodoy, Leoni Pentiado
dc.creatorFreitas Junior, Ney Izaguirry de
dc.identifierFREITAS JUNIOR, Ney Izaguirry de. Proposta de metodologia de implantação de planejamento estratégico com o uso das dimensões de um sistema de avaliação SINAES: um estudo de caso. 2009. 165 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2009.
dc.description.abstractIn the last years, world changes have affected people, organizations and nations in a drastic way. In a growing speed, are questioned the bases in what economic, social and politic theories were constructed. In attempt of their substitution, new theories are created, that also become, quickly overshot. Many authors say human civilization goes through a period of paradigm change. The sciences related to companies management are the most affected by this change. Information Era provided a growing availability of information and consequently an educational improve. This caused a growing population conscious about goods and services quality demand in all public sectors, including educational means. Federal Government, recognizing this new reality, accorded to the article 37of Ementa Constitucional nº 19/98, included in the Constituição Federal de 98, the efficiency, as Public Management principle. From this institutionalization, resulted another rules as: Complementary Law nº 101/00, the Fiscal Responsibility Law, that establishes practices with more efficiency in public expenses control. Thus, Government edited Law nº 10.861/2004 which pass Graduation Assessment National System - SINAES, which has ten lines that must be observed for all Graduation Institutions, to obtain their accredited by MEC. Therefore, these subjects are strategies for University Schools, then, should be associated with strategic projection, management for directives and consequently, with the institutional PDI. In this perspective, there was carried out a qualitative, bibliographical, descriptive inquiry of exploit character, in the Santa Maria Federal University UFSM in which is associated to the strategic projection pattern already existed in dimensions of SINAES. Considering that these dimensions are basic directives to any IES, a ramification was carried out in the institution in study. It was noticed that, with the ramification of these directives, the UFSM Manager, has an essential administrative tool for his management.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPlanejamento estratégico
dc.subjectGerenciamento por diretrizes
dc.subjectPDI e SINAES
dc.subjectStrategic projection
dc.subjectManagement for directives
dc.subjectPDI and SINAES
dc.titleProposta de metodologia de implantação de planejamento estratégico com o uso das dimensões de um sistema de avaliação SINAES: um estudo de caso

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