dc.contributorTybusch, Jerônimo Siqueira
dc.creatorAlmeida, Rodrigo de Freitas
dc.description.abstractThe housing right is a fundamental human right, under the Citizen's Constitution. Neverthless, it is possible to see that this right is not effective and it is not warranted to a considerable parcel of the brazilian population. On the other hand, the social construction of the housing right can be attributed to the social movements fights. Although the access to a dignified and adequate habitation is still far from the reality, the housing movements, throughout the history, contributed vitally to the achievement of the housing right, through urban ocupation and intermediating the communication of the population with the public organs. In this text, the situation lived in the community "Estação dos Ventos", in the city of Santa Maria, RS, will be analised, their situation is a result of the fight for housing right organized by the National Movement of Housing Fight. In this way, this research will address the social construction of the housing right, as well as the problematic real achievement of this right, considering, specially, the area known as "Estação dos Ventos". Therefore, firstly the history of social habitation in Brazil was presented, since the early days untill the current time. After, the text approach the fight for the housing right and the role of the public politics, as well as the affirmation of the housing right in the legal system. Finally, the situation in the community "Estação dos Ventos", in the city of Santa Maria, RS was analised, in different aspects, in light of the above mentioned.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDireito à moradia
dc.subjectDireito urbanístico
dc.subjectMovimentos sociais
dc.subjectDireitos fundamentais
dc.subjectDireito alternativo
dc.subjectLuta popular
dc.subjectAcesso à moradia
dc.subjectHousing right
dc.subjectUrbanistic law
dc.subjectSocial movements
dc.subjectFundamental rights
dc.subjectAlternative law
dc.subjectPopular fight
dc.subjectHousing access
dc.titleA construção social do direito à moradia: uma análise da comunidade “Estação dos Ventos”, no município de Santa Maria, RS
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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