Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Cuidados paliativos no cenário da urgência e emergência: percepções de enfermeiros e médicos
Leon, Pamela Barros de
Objective: to know the perception of nurses and physicians regarding the medical care provided in
people with hemato-oncological diseases attended in an emergency unit and the emergence of a
general hospital. Method: qualitative research with an exploratory-descriptive approach based on
interviews with six nurses and six physicians in the months of September, November, 2017. As
interviews were transcribed in their entirety and analyzed through the Minayo Operational Analysis.
Results: three categories of analysis emerged, being: end of life and only end of life, without care; (re)
thinking palliative care the person with cancer; and the emergency and emergency unit: challenges for
care in terminality. Final considerations: the participants relate palliative care, primarily to life
termination, and believed that the environment of the emergency and emergency unit are inadequate
for the care of patients, however, they recognize the importance of maintaining quality of life for
patients provided with an adequacy of palliative care assistance.