Uma arquitetura de sensoriamento remoto sensível ao contexto para irrigação
2015-08-07Registro en:
BOUFLEUER, Rafael. A CONTEXT-AWARE REMOTE SENSING ARCHITECTURE FOR IRRIGATION. 2015. 74 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
Boufleuer, Rafael
Considering that irrigation occupies the major percentage of consumed water in agriculture
and that Brazil intends to expand considerably its irrigated area in the coming decades, there
is a growing need in improving the irrigation water management, mostly in regions with limited
availability of water or occurrences of hydric deficiency periods. Therefore, the increase of
technologies for performing irrigation using environmental information is becoming important
because they enable the maximization of water and energy consumption, maintaining or even
improving the yield and quality of agricultural production. This work proposes a context-aware
remote sensing architecture for irrigation and its contributions are: (a) the development of two
prototypes of a moisture and precipitation meter based on the proposed architecture using open
hardware technologies; (b) the development of a context taxonomy that defines the types of
information that can be used in the prototype s architecture; and (c) a comparison between two
different types of soil moisture sensors. For the validation of the architecture, two case studies
were realized to verify the correct functioning of the architecture components, as well as a data
collection was performed to make the comparison between a resistive low-cost sensor produced
at the Federal University of Santa Maria, and a high-accuracy and high-cost frequency domain
reflectometry (FDR) sensor (CS616 - Campbell Scientific, United States). The results obtained
from the analyzed data were satisfactory, where it was verified that the architecture is viable,
meeting the requirements to which it has proposed. In addition, the comparison performed
showed a determination coefficient of up to 95 % between the low-cost resistive soil moisture
sensors and the soil moisture sensors CS616 of Campbell
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