Ambiente virtual de ensino-aprendizagem em dispositivos móveis para o curso de Relações Internacionais
Simon, Hamlet Xavier
This research entitled "Virtual Environment of Teaching-Learning in Mobile Devices
for the International Relations Course" developed in the research line of Management
of Networking Educational Technologies, in the Post-Graduation Program in
Networking Educational Technologies of UFSM, in Master Professional level, focuses
on the one product development characterized by didactic-methodological modules
within the scope of International Logistics discipline. The information and
communication digital technologies revolutionize, every moment, the relationship and
interactions between the teachers, students and especially, the resources used for
educative processes. This occurs not only in traditional teaching environments, but
also in the more ubiquitous way of working with network teaching-learning. The
management of networking educational technologies is of extreme relevance when
observing the context and the structure of the International Relations Course. The
respective used educational resources are generally established in the
bibliographical analyzes, historical discussions and contemporary periodicals. In view
of this, we believe that these modules, networking developed and operationalized
through the Moodle platform – a free software and key mediator of the superior
education institutions allow the students an improvement in their knowledge in
international logistics. In this scenario, the guiding question of our research work
seeks to determine the theoretical potential, practical, innovation and democratization
related to the management of these educational technologies in virtual networks.
With this study, it was possible to obtain answers according to the expected
objectives for the questions about of didactic-hypermiditic modules development in
the face-to-face course modality format, operating within the course scope and
seeking possible advances and benefits for all involved and active agents in this
course and teaching-learning process of the institution.