Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Treinamento aeróbio e com pesos comparados ao treinamento com pesos com ênfase na região da panturrilha em homens
Castro, Tatiele Marques Rodrigues de
Currently, because the interest in wellness and a more physically active lifestyle, the demand for guided physical exercises is increasing, reinforcing concern with health. This study aimed to analyze the hemodynamic responses and platelet aggregation curve of middle-aged men undergoing weight training and concurrent aerobic training compared to the concurrent weight training in the calf region. We evaluated middle-aged men (n = 14) divided in two groups. Group 1 (n = 7) undergoing to weight training and aerobic exercise and Group 2 (n = 7) undergoing weight training with emphasis on the calf muscle, for 4 weeks. In the pre and post-tests were evaluated anthropometric variables, body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and skinfolds (tricpital, subscapular, suprailiac and calf) to obtain the percentage of fat ( % G), hemodynamic parameters (systolic blood pressure - systolic and diastolic blood pressure - DBP) and resting heart rate (HR); biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides and platelet aggregation curve) all in resting. The results were similar in both groups, confirming the homogeneity among groups at pre-test. In the post-test groups also remained very similar. We obtained statistically significant results in the curve of platelet aggregation with ADP þ 2.5% = 0.04 in G1, whereas in the other results it wasn’t verifyed significant differences. It was concluded that after one month of training (adaptation phase) responses to training occur, at the two experimental training with weights, and the emphasis on the calf promotes gains similar to those of aerobic training in both hemodynamic parameters as in the platelet aggregation curve.