dc.contributorCruz, Jorge Alberto Soares
dc.creatorGodoi, Gleidson Lavoura
dc.description.abstractThe work aims to see how the municipalities in the southern region of the State are providing citizens with information on their electronic sites, according to the law 12,527/2011 (LAI) and the twenty criteria laid down by the TCE. It is understood that the law of access to information (12,527, Law 18 November 2011), is a legal instrument which contributes in the transparency of information from public administration local, State and federal. That way as overall objective aims to determine how the places of the municipalities of Rio Grande, Pelotas, São Lourenço and Jaguarão are adapting the access to Information Act (12,527/2011). And the specific objectives are related in order to examine whether the sites of prefectures of the southern region are in accordance with the criteria laid down by the TCE/RS, check the websites of the prefectures of the southern zone of Rio Grande do Sul are adapted to LAI and identify the forms of access to sites and icons of prefectures of Southern State observe which feature clarity and objectivity. The whole process was a review in the field of descriptive research, such review sites sought to establish whether the prefectures municipalities are sites in accordance with the norms established by the TCE. The search was limited to the four cities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul as a way of strengthening the implementation of this work. The results left clear the information allowing you to know the required by law, the research has been satisfactory, since the verification of compliance by the TCE of relevance to LAI in the sites analyzed prefectures meet your criteria.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.titleLei de acesso: documento, informação e o usuário. Análise e as formas de uso dos sítios de quatro prefeituras no estado do Rio Grande do Sul
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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