dc.contributorRosa, Rosane
dc.contributorSilva, Sandra Rubia da
dc.contributorPeruzzo, Cicilia Maria Krohling
dc.creatorKetzer, Araciele Maria
dc.description.abstractThe occupation movement of public schools in Brazil by high school students in the period 2015-2016 constituted a phenomenon that evidenced youth’s protagonism and highlighted the precariousness of basic education in the discussions of the public schedule as well as media. In addition to occupying schools and streets, the students have occupied social networks online such as Facebook to express their opinions and demands. This research emerges in this conjecture. Thus, our central objective is to investigate the communicative and representational processes of resistance constituted in the context of the high school student movement 2015-2016 in the country. Thereunto, we have as specific objectives: analyze how the students have appropriated online social networks to build their own communication and self-representation; understand the tensioning between the secondary student movement and the coverage of the hegemonic and alternative media, through the counter narratives produced by the youth; know the representations and propositions juveniles on public education and identify the presence or absence of the principles and the areas of intervention of the Educommunication present in the communicative practices of the movement. As methodological procedure, we use a combination of approaches, such as exploratory research, semi-structured interviews with secondary students who occupied schools in São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná (three scenarios that stood out in this context of student mobilization), and the online-systematic observation of the Facebook pages of the schools occupied by these respective students interviewed. The theoretical contribution to develop the research consists of a discussion about social movements in network, citizenship and communication, Educommunication and youth cultures. As a result, we highlight key elements that characterize the communicative and representational processes of resistance of this studied context, such as: The network communication, prominent in this scenario, contributed to the construction of the collective identity and the legitimation of a transnational social technology; the communicative processes are characterized by participatory, democratic management and horizontal relations; the counter narratives of Fan Pages reveal the appropriation of creative strategies online communication, delineating a self-representation of the young person as a critical and political subject and configuring a rich communicative ecosystem; critical and political posture in relation to the mass media, especially to local vehicles; critical and propositional posture also in the juvenile representations on the public education, suggesting the occupations as an "educational reference model". In this scenario, the concepts and areas of intervention of Educommunication it is preeminent, a fact that also highlights, as main statement of the research, the process of education for citizenship that characterizes the communicative practices constructed in this scenario of resistance.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEducação pública
dc.subjectMovimento estudantil secundarista
dc.subjectRedes sociais online
dc.subjectPublic education
dc.subjectHigh school student movement
dc.subjectOnline social networks
dc.subjectCounter narratives
dc.title“Lutar também é educar”: o potencial político e educomunicativo do movimento estudantil secundarista brasileiro nas escolas e redes sociais online (2015-2016)

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