Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O uso da mídia impressa no processo de aquisição da escrita
Pereira, Mari Elizabeth Fernandes
The writing acquisition process in the early years of a child’s school life happens in-dividually and on its time. The process passes through decisive levels on learning, being up to the teacher to follow as a mediator of the process and creator of a learn-ing atmosphere that helps the child to advance on the ability to write. The print me-dia as an educational support provides a learning environment, and interaction and collaboration on writing acquisition. So, this article presents and discusses the dif-ferent approaches of print media in the process of writing acquisition on Basic Edu-cation. Writing teaching methods used currently are identified and how the print media can be applied in classroom in order to bring better results on teaching-learning process. The results of this study contribute to the preparation of new me-thods of teaching and to contextualize the use of print media in classroom as an edu-cational resource.