Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Saúde mental, atenção psicossocial e sua interface com a gestão
Abran, Danielle Tatiane
The Psychiatric Reform is a movement that provides changes in hospital-centered, excluding and segregating model. It aims to build a psychosocial care so that aims to meet the demands of people with mental disorder in their living space, recognizing him as a citizen. Considering these aspects, this study aims to conduct a reflection on mental health, psychosocial care and its interface with the management. It is understood that the mental health care has been a challenge to municipalities, although they have been called to build intervention strategies in the field of health, highlighting the role of managers in this scenario. It is known that several alternative services were created in order to qualify the attention to this population parcel and the basic health units and family health, more and more, they have been required to follow these subjects in the community space. However, the health teams need to deconstruct the mental asylums. For this, discussion spaces, with a view to qualifying workers need to be strengthened, with the support of managers. Therefore, it is concluded that there is need for managers to appropriate public policy and mental health, linked to health services, strengthen the care for people with mental disorders, in line with the assumptions of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform.