Fracionamento de carboidratos de concentrados energéticos utilizados na alimentação animal
2004-02-27Registro en:
LIMA, Raquel Franco de. Carbohydrates fractionament of energetic concentrate used for animal feeding. 2004. 69 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2004.
Lima, Raquel Franco de
The present work was the objective to evaluate grains and byproducts used on animal feeding, based on carbohydrates fractionate for a best potential utilization of this feeds like energetic. Were determinate the fractions: simples sugars (SS), digestible starch (DS), resistant starch (RS), total fiber (FT), neutral detergent fiber (FDN) and soluble fiber (FS) of energetic concentrates corn and sorghum grain, citric pulp, wheat bran, middling wheat and rice bran, classified by the multivariate analysis in groups of the according with the carbohydrates constitute principal fractions. The variations in teors of simples sugars, digestible starch, resistant starch, total fiber, neutral detergent fiber and soluble fiber analysed left to establish the feeds energetic concentrate, being possible to get at least three energetic groups with characteristics in compose in carbohydrates similars and differents between themselves. On the group first, corn, sorghum, middling wheat show the higher values of AS and RS and lower to SS, FT, FDN and FS; on the second, formed by the citric pulp predominated the superior teors of SS, TF and FS; medium of FDN and lowers of DS and RS; and the last group correspond to the higher values of FDN, intermediate of TF, FS and DS and lowers of RS and SS grouping the wheat mill and rice bran. The obtain results, allied the good repeatability of the used methods to the partitioning realization and the multivariate analysis live the used of this to identify the carbohydrates components who compose the feeds, mainly the byproducts and contributing of a best potential utilization of this feeds like energetic in diets of the different animal species.