Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental migrando cada vez mais jovens para modalidade EJA e PROEJA
Bonfada, Élida
The current monograph was developed between May, 2010 and October, 2011, into the Centro de Educação, at Specialization Course Educação Profissional Integrada à Educação Básica na Modalida-de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. It had as aim to comprehend the possible causes of occurring school migration from regular teaching to EJA/PROEJA teaching modalities, among students from 7th and 8th grades, morning shift, from Escola Estadual Edna May Cardoso, situated at Camobi district, Santa Maria/RS city, in the years 2009 to 2010. We utilized as instrument to collect data a semi-structured questionnaire composed by the total of 15 questions. This questionnaire was applied to a group of seven students who had immigrated from elementary school to Educação de Jovens e Adultos at this same school. The analysis of the answers obtained, from the questionnaires, was carried out through a comparison established among the investigated individuals‟ answers. It was found that the fac-tors/reasons that lead to migration are often related to several factors. The most important ones are: the many failures, which lead to age/level incompatibility, difficult in studying and working simultaneous-ly, early pregnancy and difficult in some school subjects. These are considered by the participants as the main reasons/factors of migrating from regular elementary school to EJA. It is possible to point out that the age/level incompatibility can be prompting these students to enter to labor market earlier. In this context, it was possible to know some of the reasons for a number increasingly bigger of youngsters to choose for learning into EJA modality, and it would not be possible to elect one factor to explain this phenomena. It is understood that this population rejuvenation cannot be analyzed just by one side, but that this must be comprehended as a complex and multifaceted phenomena. This school in the EJA modality needs to be an environment appropriated to the development of exercising full citizenship. For that, it is up to all the school community, in its different segments, demand and be ready in order to the school offers qualified education and prepares the citizen aware of his/her reality. Only then, it will be possible, not just for the students who are seeking to accelerate their learning into these modalities, claim their rights, but all the society. This youngster needs to feel himself/herself fully in this school; nevertheless, it is known that all of this process demands, for the every society, a huge effort and adequacy. These considerations make us reflecting on the needs of changing the way of thinking and perceiving this teaching modality and wrestling for a school more directed to school community expectations, including the local needs, the specifications of each region and the singulari-ties of each space.