Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gênero e divisão sexual do trabalho na produção leiteira: estudo nos assentamentos, Nova União I, Unidos Venceremos, Conquista da Fronteira, Santa Elmira, Estância Velha e Tapete Verde, Hulha Negra/RS
Oliveira, Alex Sandro Dutra de
This research study examines the sexual division of labor in a gender perspective within the productive milk mother, from six households. Working with the hypothesis that the higher the family income provided by milk production, the lower the power of women's management in productive activity, even when they actively participate in the work linked to milk production in family production unit and also when the decision-making is totally taken by men. The research examines existing divisions of labor among family members for distribution of work within the production unit, as well as the sexual division of labor, identifying the hourly workloads of each of the various routine and any activities within the production unit. The target audience were chosen six families living in different settlements of the Municipality of Coal Black which in turn represent six different types of existing production systems in the municipality in which it operates dairy production as one of the activities.