Rastreabilidade na indústria avícola em sistema integrado: o caso do teor de água total em cortes de frango
2005-02-22Registro en:
PAGNUSSATTO, Claudecir José. TRACEABILITY IN INTEGRATED SYSTEM AND WATER CONTENT OF POULTRY CUTS IN THE POULTRY INDUSTRY. 2005. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2005.
Pagnussatto, Claudecir José
Traceability can be considered one of the most important operation in the agro industry at the moment, revealing itself even more in the creation of a new culture involving the primary sector, demanding that producers and businesses aggregate new techniques and knowledge which are able to guarantee the survival, growth, profit and competitiveness of the poultry sector. The total water content of some poultry cuts has been the target of questioning from importers. These state that the production process is being fraudulent, where the absorption of water in the preparation process is being excessive. Facing this scenery and many uncertainties, the objectives of this paper was: to present a traceability tool model destined for the Brazilian aviculture in integrated system, aiming to evaluate the quality of salty poultry cuts on total water content. As methodology, we strived to learn about what the Brazilian companies are thinking about traceability, its necessities and difficulties. The accompaniment of the production processes and contact with authorities and technicians served in the development of a doable and adequate traceability program for Brazilian aviculture. To determine total water content in poultry cuts, a relationship between moisture and protein U/P in refrigerated, frozen, salty refrigerated and salty frozen cuts was done, before and after the chiller. The essential information for traceability in poultry segment, in integrated system, must be organized in order to assure that every production steps happens under controlled conditions and be able to witness. The present information in the product packaging must be sufficient to link the product to primary sector and controls done in different processes during its production. Research done in Brazilian industries showed that they are aware of necessity to adopt traceability, but they are confused about the benefits. The different treatments show the tendency of increase water content in poultry cuts after the refrigeration of the carcasses in tanks, which is natural, even the treatments are in agreement to the standards. The variance analysis (ANOVA) did not show significant difference (p<0,05), for differents treatments before end after chiller. For traceability, the minimum information necessary are: suppliers, linage, group, breeder and broiler, farm name, date of egg posture, date of egg eclosion, feed type, production date, formula number, date and time of slaughter, federal inspection number, order number, product and lot number. The extra information for different traceability objectives are maintained filed in the process. Government and industries union support are necessary to define the kind of traceability in aviculture. The manual salting and fast freezing of product in impermeable packagings do not exert influence over the total water content in poultry cuts. For this product, controls must be done during the carcass passing through the chiller.