| Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão escolar dialógica e afetiva: o processo inclusivo a partir do olhar de duas professoras de educação infantil
Berger, Mara Gisele Medeiros Stefenon
First, I report my experience in a Childhood Education class experienced in 2010 in which children with Autism and Down Syndrome, were included. The following is the look of a professor relating her experiences in the process of inclusion also in
kindergarten. With this work we intended to reflect upon the look of a teacher who believes in inclusive process immersed at affectivity. The methodology was qualitative, using a questionnaire as an instrument in which it is possible emphasizes quality education starting from the bonding, respect, cooperation, sharing, socio-cultural activities in everyday classroom. As a theoretical reference was seek the legal foundation in LDB No 9394/96 and Salamanca Statement about Principles,
Policies and Practices in the Area of Special Educational Needs. We search in Vygotsky (1991, 1992), theoretical support for emotional bonds, and the teacher a facilitator of learning and therefore has a great deal of responsibility in the process of inclusive student in kindergarten, helping him acquire autonomy and security. Ensuring emotional bond, the educator can go in search of a pedagogical action that enhances the individuality, respect differences, and be aware that the process of each student. We realize that some families still feel prejudices with students included. The affection and knowledge are inseparable and are present at all times of the teaching-learning process.