Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O processo licitatório como elemento de gestão para a concretização do princípio da eficiência em Cachoeira do Sul/RS
Mahlke, Letícia
This work investigates the process of public management from an analysis of the bidding
process as a made available for the implementation of the administrative / constitutional
principle of efficiency tool. The survey was developed based on using the Brazilian doctrine
concerning the study of the administrative and constitutional law, still using the theoretical
knowledge acquired in practical and functional personal experience in the procurement sector
of the City of Cachoeira do Sul. The method was qualitative with study of real processes with
descriptive case approach. Data collection was done by sampling the actual exploring public
bidding processes in different areas of management of the municipality of Cachoeira do Sul.
The practical study exploring the theoretical concepts of public bidding process contributes to
confirm the hypothesis, and conclude that, if used well as an element of management, can be
an important factor to achieve efficient public interest combined, reducing financial costs of
goods and services and collaborating to make service delivery more efficient and effective
population. in conclusion it was found that, in the municipality of Cachoeira do Sul, the mode
of trading bid is the mode that best conforms to this process, by its characteristics of being
more efficient in practical aspect.