Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Contribuições da gestão democrática para a formação de educandos da escola do campo
Rosa, Carlos Roberto de Castilho
This research aims thinking on curricular political and the history teaching formulated from Common National Curricular Basis considering the democratic management and its contribution for the students from the rural school. The research is qualitative and bibliography based on bibliography review in the field of kowledge to verify the research question. The framework is based on the ideas of Paro (2017); Thiesen (2014); Lück (2000, 2007); Cândida (2017) and Ribeiro (2017). As results, we can say when we know the rural students reality; when focus on colective actions; share powers; adding effort and respecting decisions is possible build a way as reference for rural student formation in all its dimensions: cognitive, ethic, aesthetics, fisical, social and afective. These actions are centered on dialogue as key to change what is needed and wished. In conclusion we can say there is a real need to think the new BNCC in a wide approach considering the democratic management and the rural education from the people of the rural areas and the contexts this people live, because the rural people has its singularities.