Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Busca de qualidade na prestação do serviço público: utilização do modelo de excelência em gestão pública
Caberlon, Cléa Dóris
With the reestablishment of democracy in the 80’s, the Brazilian public administration underwent a great transformation. As a way of exemplifying this transformation in public administration demanded by the users and by the society, the objective of this study is to show that not all work processes result in administration practices capable of adding value to the final result obtained by the institution. In their context, the final results obtained by the Municipal Council of Novo Hamburgo, in its first self-evaluation, according to the Model of Excellency in Public Administration (Modelo de Excelência em Gestão Pública – MEGP), recommended by the National Program of Public Administration and Debureaucratisation (Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública e Desburocratização – Gespública), ratify that the few administration practices adopted by the legislative house are not enough to reach the excellency and quality demanded from the public sector. This was concluded from the results of the field investigation operated through the Instrument for the Evaluation of Public Administration 250 points (Instrumento para Avaliação da Gestão Pública 250 pontos). As observed throughout the study, the fragilities of the work processes were made evident, despite the fact that the Council employs qualified workers to perform its daily tasks. Anyhow, this self-evaluation determined the search for solutions and answers to the fragilities that were presented, thus showing that public administrators want to improve their performance, making it necessary for them to choose the most suitable practices to meet the demands of society.