dc.contributorDalmolin, Ricardo Simão Diniz
dc.contributorPedron, Fabrício de Araújo
dc.contributorCassol, Roberto
dc.contributorNascimento, Paulo César do
dc.contributorBacic, Ivan Luiz Zilli
dc.creatorSilva, Carlos Antônio da
dc.identifierSILVA, Carlos Antônio da. Pedoambiental zoning of herbal mate Ilex paraguarensis city of Erechim - RS. 2011. 166 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2011.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to propose information that can help the pedoenvironmental zoning of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil for the county of Erechim, identifying, with the aid of geoprocessing techniques, the areas with better suitability for implantation of herbals, taking into consideration limiting factors to the culture, involving information of the soil and the environment. The inexistence of studies of this level in the study area is its base, considering that the agriculturists need orientations that can serve of subsidies to the practical of herbal culture, what, undoubtedly, will assist in the propagation of the culture, giving for those involved in this process an alternative of expansion and optimization of the profits in the property. So, the present thesis was structuralized in three studies that complement each other, making it possible to understand the different scenarios that are the sustentation of the objectives considered for this study. Study 1 deal with the space-time evolution of the use of land in Erechim in the years 1964, 1998 and 2008, allowing the identification of expansion areas or retraction of specific uses. In this study, finding areas that had been devastated in the period of settling of the district and that had reached the native herbals in devastation praised for the implantation of projects that aimed to the expansion of the agricultural border in national and state level was prioritized, and whose consequences are found still today. In Study 2, information on the pedoenvironmental characterization of the herb mate are presented, used for the generation of a model of suitability of lands for herb mate culture in Erechim county. It was aimed to identify the necessary pedoenvironmental parameters to properly guarantee the retaken o of herbals implantation, supported by diverse studies on the subject, also searching to establish the ideal conditions for the cultivation of the studied species, considering the indication of suitable areas using computational tools, countersigned by the field work, with the intention of approaching, as much as possible, the ideal biogeographic condition for the culture of herb mate. Also traditional methods of classification with geotechnologies are tested and compared. Study 3 contemplates the suitability of the soil for the cultivation of herb mate under the agriculturists view. In this section, it was aimed to establish the correlations deriving from the nomothetic registers, extracted from the speeches of the agriculturists before the pre-established pedoenvironmetal parameters as ideal for the culture of the species, consensus and divergences that had served for the validation one for other. At the end, the considerations that take either the acceptance or not of the initial pressupositions of this study are presented.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectLevantamento de solos
dc.subjectUso das terras
dc.subjectErva mate
dc.subjectSoil survey
dc.subjectLand use
dc.subjectHerbal mate
dc.titleZoneamento pedoambiental da erva mate Ilex paraguarensis para o município de Erechim - RS

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