Síntese, caracterização e estudo da química de coordenação de novos compostos contendo Índio e Telúrio
2011-07-29Registro en:
MELLO, Melina de Azevedo. Synthesis, characterization and study of the coordination chemistry of new compounds containing Indium and Tellurium. 2011. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2011.
Mello, Melina de Azevedo
In this work we describe the synthesis and characterization of the first indium
and tellurium compounds in which tellurium shows metallic behavior towards indium.
We have studied the coordination chemistry of indium and tellurium, in different
oxidation states and in the presence of different ligands, in order to understand the
interactions that occur between these species.
Indium(III) halides - InX3 (X = Cl, Br) react with phenyltellurium(IV) trihalides -
PhTeX3 (X = Cl, Br) and hard ligands such as OPPh3, 1,10-phenantroline and DMSO,
to yield [InX2(OPPh3)4]+[PhTeX4]- (X = Br, 1; X = Cl, 2), [InBr2(1,10-phen)2]+[PhTeBr4]-
(3) and [InBr2(DMSO)4]+[PhTeBr4]- (4). Differently, with soft ligands such as thioureas,
the reduction reaction of Te(IV) to Te(II) is favored. When PhTeX3 is substituted by
TeCl4 the Lewis acid character of In(III) prevails over the hard/soft relation between In
and Te. This leads to the formation of a compound containing only In,
[InCl2(OPPh3)4]+[InCl4]- (5). No reaction is observed between InX3 and Te(II) species
with hard or soft ligands. The compound [InI2(DPPMO2)2]+[InI4]- (6) (DPPMO2 =
bis(diphenylphosphine)methane dioxide), obtained from the reaction between InI3
and PhTeI phenyltellurium(II) iodide indicates that reaction between In(III) and
Te(II) does not occur due to once more prevails the Lewis acid character of In(III)
over the hard/soft relation between In and Te.