O líder em Exame: o enquadramento da liderança na mídia de negócios
2014-02-28Registro en:
SCHAEFER, Ricardo. O LÍDER EM EXAME: O ENQUADRAMENTO DA LIDERANÇA NA MÍDIA DE NEGÓCIOS. 2014. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2014.
Schaefer, Ricardo
A vast and growing literature on studies of framing has emerged in the last decades and the
concept has gained prominence in the field of communication. Recent analyses, however,
have pointed out two principal criticisms that these studies have been receiving: a certain
vagueness or a conceptual multiplicity and the lack of a systematic methodology between
the research. This work has search to contribute on the solution of this problem by doing a
historical research on framing and bringing together the different advances that
investigations regarding both the theoretical aspect as its empirical application have
brought. To achieve this scope, besides the literature review and analysis of the evolution
of research, this study has applied a proposal of operationalization of the concept on an
empirical case, analysing the changes in the journalistic framing on scripts about
leadership published in Exame magazine between 1970 and 2012. Adapting the
methodology of framing indirect analysis for the business media, this research has
investigated how the framing of leadership has changed along the 42 years of the
magazine. 92 articles were analyzed, selected on 7 years of publication, identifying six
frames of the leader: founding entrepreneurs, career executive, successors heirs, home
silverware, beginners entrepreneurs and leaders of the second level. The research has also
found changes in the prevalence of these frames by new editorial strategies adopted over
the years by the publication. One can also conclude that in the analysed articles, the figure
of the leader plays a central role, being presented as the main responsible by the course of
corporate events. Presenting the leader, inserted in an organizational theme, Exame
magazine describes its actuation mode and how the context in which he is inserted
influences the way of conduction of their team. The publication also presents, through
different symbolic devices, personality traits and characteristics of the leader, their
behavioural styles, contingency and situational factors that influence its action, and how
the leader also happens to be an agent and a promoter of values and meanings in business