Pseudogap e calor específico de um modelo de hubbard repulsivo
2014-08-15Registro en:
LAUSMANN, Ana Claudia. Pseudogap and the specific heat respulsive hubbard model. 2014. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Física) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2014.
Lausmann, Ana Claudia
The specific heat and the condensation energy of a two-dimensional Hubbard model,
suitable to discuss high Tc superconductors (HTSTC), is studied taking into account
hopping to first (t) and second (t2) nearest neighbors. Results for the Hubbard model
show that the specific heat as a function of the temperature C(T) presents a two peaks
structure (DUFFY; MOREO, 1997). The low temperature peak has been associated with
spin fluctuation while the high temperature peak is related to charge fluctuation. Experimental
results for the specific heat of HTSC s (LORAM et al., 2001), for instance, the
YBCO and LSCO, indicate a close relation between the pseudogap and the specific heat.
In the present work, we investigate the specific heat by the Green s function method within
the n-pole approximation proposed by L. Roth (ROTH, 1969). The specific heat is calculated
on the pseudogap and on the superconducting regions. Superconductivity with dx2−y2- wave pairing is considered following the procedure proposed by Beenen and Edwards
(BEENEN; EDWARDS, 1995). The analytical expressions for the specific heat and for the
condensation energy have been obtained following the formalism presented in reference
(KISHORE; JOSHI, 1971). In the present scenario, the pseudogap emerges when the
antiferromagnetic (AF) fluctuations (present in the Roth s band shift) become strongly sufficient
to push down the region of the nodal point (π,π) on the renormalized quasi-particle
bands. We observed that above a given total occupation nT , the specific heat decreases
signaling the pseudogap presence. The effects of the antiferromagnetic fluctuations on
the condensation energy and on superconductivity are also investigated.x