Estresse, coping e síndrome de burnout em policiais rodoviários federais
2013-08-26Registro en:
FREITAS, Andrea Karla Breunig de. Estresse, coping e síndrome de burnout em policiais rodoviários federais. 2013. 74 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Freitas, Andrea Karla Breunig de
The profession of the Federal Highway Police is considered one of the most stressful professions. It is a profession of risk by the nature of their functions, which are faced with in their daily practice, in extreme situations, where the emotional resources are put on test. These situations raise the level of stress and when not addressed adequately may lead to burnout. The present study aims to contribute to a deeper knowledge of these professionals, in order to evaluate the perception of job stress, which coping strategies that people adopt to minimize this stress in order not to reach burnout. This is a field study, descriptive, exploratory quantitative approach. The research involved the identification and characterization of the subjects from a questionnaire as well as the application of socio-demographic form. The study population was composed of the Federal Highway Police Central region of Rio Grande do Sul. The results obtained from statistical analysis were 73.08 % in high stress and low stress at 26.92 % , the most used strategies were problem solving and indicative of burnout syndrome in this population was 3.84% . Thus , it is understood that the importance of this work lies in the fact that with your participation will be helping to spread awareness about this job category , which could result in better working conditions and respect for health.