Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O tempo de não trabalho em assentamento do MST
Charão, Carine Marques
Understanding, through the relation of working and non-working time, what the ‘MST’ workers do in their spare time, is the aim of this study. The discussion encompasses an agricultural/ecological and a collective settlement in the city of Santa Maria, in RS state, where interviews and observations have been taken in order to support this paper. Although there have not been conclusions about this theme we tried to expose some considerations so that the ‘MST’ workers can question themselves about their free time once they have not made them systematic yet in their social life. Those settled workers showed that they need to discuss about it but have faced many difficulties. We believe in constant workers’ formation, something which has been already made by the ‘MST’ movement. That’s why we state that it is necessary to publish what has been done. When aiming a new social order, a socialist one as defended by “MST”, it is imperative to overcome the exclusion situations, prejudices, and the differences in opportunities of men and women inside the own movement. It is also important to point out that many of these problems have already been solved. Now, it is also needed to discuss what happens in their free time at their non-working time. It is necessary to understand that the non-working time is as important as the working time when organizing the schedules and the social organizations in those ‘MST’ settlements.