Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão escolar democrática e processos de construção da identidade docente
Ferreira, Silviane Miranda
This monograph is the result of a bibliographic search whose goal was to reflect
about the relations and influences of democratic school management in the
processes of identity construction collective of teachers. The methodological
approach contributed to the understanding of the principal themes of your search:
democratic school management and collective identity. According to the analyses, it
was noted that the school needs to transform its management concept for
coordinating a more participatory democracy-management. Are indispensable to
ensure the professional development of everyone and the construction of identity
collective reflection, creating spaces training partnerships and sharing decisions. The
teacher-Manager is presented as primary mediator of these actions. Such
considerations confirm that the achievement of goals and objectives, the
development of autonomy and troubleshooting are attributes of professionals who
are committed and responsible, valuing a school in which all are managers, with the
gender of power. The participatory management is a significant alternative to
changing conceptions, encouraging that all professionals assume itself as
responsible for the actions developed in the school.