Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Equilíbrio postural e propriocepção de acadêmicas com hipermobilidade articular generalizada
Rossato, Marluci Giovelli
Objectives: To analyze and compare the proprioception and the postural balance of female university students of the course of Physical Education, with and without generalized joint hypermobility. Methods: 40 students participated in this study, aged between 19-29 years old, 20 diagnosed with generalized joint hypermobility (GGJH) according to the Beighton score and 20 asymptomatic (CG). Postural balance was assessed on a force platform, in bipedal stance, with open and closed eyes. Evaluation of proprioception of upper limbs was carried out with a kinesiometer, in which the domain arm of the subject with closed eyes was moved passively in three predetermined angles. After that, the same subject performed these movements actively, trying to approximate the mobile arm the closest she could of the
angulations demonstrated previously. The evaluation of lower limb was carried out fixing a fleximeter on the articulation of a dominant knee of the subject, which was conducted passive and actively to two angles (flexion and extension), defined by lot. The U Mann-Whitney test was employed to make comparisons between variables of each group, while the t de student test was used for the variable postural balance – COPml (cm) with open eyes. Results: no significant differences were observed on the assessment of proprioception of upper and lower limbs. The female university students with GJH oscillated more than the CG with open eyes, presenting significant values of displacement amplitude, ellipsis area 95%, and anterior-posterior speed of displacement. Conclusion: We could observe that the female university
students with GJH show alterations on balance with open eyes, with increasing mediolateral oscillation, ellipsis area and on the anterior-posterior speed of displacement.