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Informação social e a memória: um estudo sobre as fontes arquivísticas na comunidade quilombola Grilo - PB
Ferreira, Josivan Soares
This research aims at presenting a study about the archival sources accumulated by the Grilo quilombola community, in Paraíba. The proposal results from the questioning on what kind of document Grilo community produces and receives and what are the legal prerogatives on the Quilombo remnant communities. In this context, developing research in Archival Science field which take into consideration these communities is of great relevance to the preservation of their identity and memory through the organization of their archives, since they are used as a social space for strategic information. Thus, the quilombola communities need to organize such information in a way it reflects their culture, identity and memory by organizing their document collection. To carry out this research the bibliographical method was used. The study is based on the historical research about the formation of the quilombos based on the studies by Amaral (2011), Arruti ( 1997:2006 ) , Flowers (2006) and O'Dwyer (2002 ) . It also presents reflections on archive and its importance according to Jardim (1995), Garcia (2002), Silva (2002 ) among others, as well as the conceptualization of social memory discussed by Mott (2007 ) and Le Goff (1994 ) and Nora (1993). Finally it is concluded that the Grilo community has a significant archival collection to be dealt with in order to meet the specific needs of the institution, so that the archival sources in the community may represent their identity and memory.