Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Saúde mental na atenção primária à saúde: demandas, fluxos e ações na estratégia saúde da família
Bonilha, Larissa Gomes
Objective: to report on the experience of conducting talk about mental health in
Primary Health Care with professionals from the Family Health Strategy teams and the
management of the Psychosocial Care Policy of a municipality in the interior of the
state of Rio Grande do Sul. Method: it is characterized as an experience report, from
the accomplishment of two wheels of conversation on Mental Health, carried out in the
months of September and December of 2017.Results: the mental health care model
of the municipality was redirected and there is difficulty on the part of the
professionals in the understanding of the flows of the care line, making difficult the
perspective of networking and mental health actions in the territory. Conclusion:
there is a lack of articulation and dialogue between users, APS professionals
and other services that make up the RAPS of the municipality. It is believed
that it is necessary to broaden the dialogue among all the actors involved in this
context so that a new way of organizing and practicing mental health care can be
constructed in the context of PHC, as well as investing in actions such as
matrix support interconsultation among others, instrumentalizing the professionals and
qualifying the actions on a territorial basis.