Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Atendentes - recreacionistas ou docentes? reflexões acerca da docência na educação infantil a partir do estudo realizado em São Borja - RS
Zawaski, Josiane de Oliveira Pinto
The present research sought to problematize teaching in children 's education by
listening to professionals who work in the context of the municipal schools of São Borja - RS.
The study was developed during the course of Specialization in Teaching in Child Education
offered by the Federal University of Santa Maria, from 2014 to 2016, in the city of Ijuí - RS.
The methodology adopted was of a qualitative character, being configured as a case study,
which includes the contextualization of the study, the literature review on the subject and the
application of a semistructured questionnaire with the professionals who act as teachers in the
researched school. The data produced were analyzed as reference, studies and research carried
out by students of childhood, among them cito Ariés (1981), Kramer (1995), Oliveira (2010,
20110), among others. Such analyzes show that the municipal network surveyed does not
have the position of a child education teacher and, therefore, the teaching is carried out by
professionals called "Atendimento Recreacionista". Although they have the minimum training
required for performance, namely, Normal, the professionals interviewed demonstrate
dedication by the profession. However, they report that they feel devalued because although
they act as teachers, they are called as recreationalists, and therefore, do not justify the
availability of workload for planning purposes of the pedagogical work that they perform.
Another factor evidenced by listening to educators and documents that guide children's
education in the context researched is the need to value these professionals by guaranteeing
the spaces of continuing training in service as well as the need to implement policies to value
professionals Who act as teachers in municipal schools.