Novo conversor CC-CC integrado full-bridge-forward aplicado a uma microrrede residencial
2013-02-07Registration in:
ROGGIA, Leandro. Novel full-bridge-forward integrated dc-dc converter applied to a residential microgrid. 2013. 217 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Roggia, Leandro
This Ph.D. Dissertation focuses on the proposal of a novel converter topology applied
to the connection of an energy storage system, composed of a supercapacitor bank and a
battery bank, to the dc bus of a residential microgrid. The proposed full-bridge-forward
integrated dc-dc converter presents high voltage gain between the input and output, a
fundamental requirement for the desired application, bidirectional power flow, galvanic
isolation, among other features. The integration process, operation stages (including converter
waveforms and equations), design methodology, dc modeling, among others, are presented.
Three different clamping circuits structures are studied and applied to the proposed converter.
Moreover, a comparison including several parameters with the dual active bridge converter,
which is one of the most used topologies for similar applications is performed, highlighting
the lesser number of active switches. Experimental results of the proposed converter in
different operation modes are presented, validating the theoretical analysis. Experimental
results of the dual active bridge converter are also presented and its performance is compared
to the proposed converter, where it can be seen that the efficiency of the proposed converter is
higher. The topology application is directed to microgrid systems, which attract high attention
nowadays due to the possibility of renewable electric energy generation through distributed
energy resources and with high reliability.