Influências do Sinaes na construção curricular do curso de Pedagogia
2014-03-27Registro en:
TREVISAN, Mônica de Souza. SINAES INFLUENCES ON CURRICULUM CONSTRUCTION OF PEDAGOGY COURSE. 2014. 143 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2014.
Trevisan, Mônica de Souza
This work deals of the influence of the National Evaluation System of Higher Education (SINAES) on reformulation (recasting) of curricula of undergraduate courses in pedagogy in two federal public institutions of Rio Grande do Sul. The research problem arose from the reflections on the actions of the policy of evaluation of higher education in Brazil, which it has gone through constant regulatory. The general objective is to understand which the influences of the evaluation initiatedby National Evaluation System of Higher Education (SINAES) on the conception and restructuration of pedagogical projects of two courses in pedagogy of federal public institutions of Rio Grande do Sul. In the context of SINAES, the evaluation presents three pillars: institutional evaluation, course evaluation and evaluation of student performance. For the realization of this research, it was chosen as the focus the pillars course evaluation and evaluation of performance of the students. The methodology of qualitative focus used the study of compared cases. The cases studied were the daytime Pedagogy Course (UFSM) and the Pedagogy Course (UNIPAMPA), whose pedagogy courses analyzed are recognized and the students participate of ENADE. The technique chosen to analyze collected data was the analysis of content. As reference for the documentary study it was raised the legislation related to SINAES, and the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Pedagogy Course. Theoretical references were based in authors who treat of theme evaluation policies in the Brazilian higher education such as Dias Sobrinho (2003) e Ristoff (2011). It was observed that the external evaluation generates influences on the curriculum of courses especially if it is contextualized by processes of self-evaluation, but this influence occurs according to each institutional context, although the issue of regulating the National Evaluation System of Higher Education overlaps with the SINAES.