Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Educação de surdos e os espaços escolares
Della Pase, Vânia Teresinha Silva
This article focuses on the Education of the Deaf and the spaces school. In
that sense, through a search field with a focus on quality in two (2) schools municipal
primary education of the village, searching review the school spaces where deaf
students are placed in classes of listeners. They were subject of search through
questionnaires thirteen (13) teachers in regular classes with students who serve deaf
included in the 1 st, 2 nd and 8 grade in classes of listeners. The answers obtained
noted that the language of signals will be coadjuvante the process still in a structured
vision ouvintista of education, while the Portuguese and oralismo play the lead role.
Due to the limitations imposed by the educational system has not structured to offer
an education that promotes the differences of deaf students, they have no real
access to knowledge school. For that reason, we think that the school spaces more
suitable for the education of the deaf are the classes and / or schools for the deaf,
where will the construction of identity and inclusion in the deaf culture interacting with
their peers.