Melhoramentos inferenciais no modelo Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH
2016-02-25Registro en:
MULLER, Fernanda Maria. INFERENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS OF BETA-SKEW-T-EGARCH MODEL. 2016. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2016.
Muller, Fernanda Maria
The Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model was recently proposed in literature to model the
volatility of financial returns. The inferences over the model parameters are based on the maximum
likelihood method. The maximum likelihood estimators present good asymptotic properties;
however, in finite sample sizes they can be considerably biased. Monte Carlo simulations
were used to evaluate the finite sample performance of point estimators. Numerical results indicated
that the maximum likelihood estimators of some parameters are biased in sample sizes
smaller than 3,000. Thus, bootstrap bias correction procedures were considered to obtain more
accurate estimators in small samples. Better quality of forecasts was observed when the model
with bias-corrected estimators was considered. In addition, we propose a likelihood ratio test
to assist in the selection of the Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model with one or two volatility components.
The numerical evaluation of the two-component test showed distorted null rejection
rates in sample sizes smaller than or equal to 1,000. To improve the performance of the proposed
test in small samples, the bootstrap-based likelihood ratio test and the bootstrap Bartlett
correction were considered. The bootstrap-based test exhibited the closest null rejection rates
to the nominal values. The evaluation results of the two-component tests showed their practical
usefulness. Finally, an application to the log-returns of the German stock index of the proposed
methods was presented.