Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Políticas de gestão documental: um estudo na Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Ribeiro, Clarice
This paper presents the research that was conducted as a requirement for the Specialization Course in Archives Management, of the Federal University of Santa Maria and the Open University of Brazil. The focus of the research are the document management policies implemented in the Federal University of South Frontier. Document management policies are essential for the proper organization of files, especially files of public institutions. In this sense, the general objective of this study is to investigate the implementation of document management policies in the Federal University of South Frontier in order to verify if they are in line with the archival policies and settings of the National Council on Archives. To achieve this goal, questionnaires were applied to the team responsible for the archives. Data were coded and qualitatively analyzed, following the archival procedures. The study on the use of document management policies allows saying that the university partly applies the policies established by the national archival agencies, since it does not reach all the insitution departments. However, the university has an interest in expanding the establishment of policies for document management.