Efeitos, percepção de fármacos e comunicação química em peixes
Abreu, Murilo Sander de
The presence of drugs in aquatic environments has been studied for decades and their actions have as consequence changes of several physiological mechanisms. It is known that there is a complex chemical communication between the species that inhabit this environment, but the perception of intra and interspecific communication substances is unknown. The studies developed aim to evaluate if the fish are able to identify different stress situations and drugs, analyzing the neuroendocrine, behavioral and osmoregulatory effects. Seven studies were elaborated: 1) acute stress test and osmoregulatory evaluation with fluoxetine; 2) test of the action of fluoxetine in different responses of stressors (physical or chemical); 3) individual perception test to different conspecific situations; 4) testing preference at different concentrations of drugs and detection by olfaction; 5) experimental anosmia test in type-anxiety behavior; 6) experimental anosmia test, by ZnSO4, in behavioral and physiological responses; 7) test of the effects of acute stress on social behavior and "anxiety" in jundias (Rhamdia quelen). Based on the results it was verified that the acute exposure to fluoxetine is able to inhibit osmoregulatory changes caused by stress. Fluoxetine attenuates the cortisol response to physical stressor stimulus, but not to chemical stressor stimulus. Zebrafish can perceive and trigger aversive behaviors when in contact with conditioned waters of physical, chemical, and food stress (acute fasting). Zebrafish is attracted to psychotropic drugs such as diazepam, fluoxetine, risperidone and buspirone, which are probably detected by olfaction. Temporary experimental anosmia (by lidocaine and ZnSO4) modulates anxiety behaviors in adult zebrafish. Jundia can be used for behavioral studies of "anxiety" and social interaction. In general, these results contribute to a better understanding of the effects and perceptions of pharmacological action and chemical communication in fish.